correctly turn off wifi

Correctly Turn off Wifi On Phone

Security is a key concern for many who uses their phones regularly. Regularly in this sense would mean you do so much on your phone from a day-to-day basis. No doubt this should be a concern to all who access their data on any smart devices. It would be wise to assume that you, like so many others, would be interested in any and all ways to keep your information secure. With that assumption this article is intended to look at just how to correctly turn off Wifi on your smart phone. Being that this could be a primary access point for your personal information. Encyclotek is hoping that this article could provide you with that extra layer of security.

Not many people think of taking extra steps to protect their information. Even less people are aware that when they tap the Wi-Fi icon to turn off their Wi-Fi that it is not actually truly off. We will get into that shortly. From time to time you may experience security breech which stems from phone viruses to phone malwares. Aside from the fact that you can learn how to remove malwares and viruses from your phone. It is often said that prevention is better than cure. So, what is one of the prime ways to ensure that you are not left unsecure? To properly turn off your Wi-Fi can play a major role in this.

How to Turn off Your Wifi

So, turning off your Wi-Fi on your phone does not necessarily mean that you have really turned off your Wi-Fi. What does this mean though? It means that though you have turned off your Wi-Fi according to the normal simple way, there may currently be other application that has your wifi open. Shocking right? I know. This will pose other security risk as your Wi-Fi on your phone is still sending and receiving signals. That is to say, this can be a gateway for hackers and other external applications to access your phone and your data. Let us quickly look at how you would turn off your Wi-Fi on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus device:

  • Pull down on your screen to access your options.
  • Here you will see the Wi-Fi icon in the upper left-hand corner under your date and time
  • From here you would simply tap on the Wi-Fi icon and it will become unhighlighted.

Then you would be done right? Wrong! Based on what you will discover below, you will now learn how to truly turn your Wi-Fi off on your smart phone.

How to Correctly Turn off Your Wifi on Your Smart Phone

Here is an Android Secrete to correctly turn off your Wi-Fi on your phone. The traditional way to turn off Wi-Fi on your phone does not completely do the job and here is how you can ensure that your wifi is fully turned off. Also, it is important to note that the steps noted below to correctly turn off wifi will also help your phone’s battery life. it is no secret that Wi-Fi being on substantially drains your phone’s battery. Ever turn your Wi-Fi off and realize that your phone battery is still being drained too quickly? In addition, not only will the below steps help you to turn off your Wi-Fi properly, but you will also see and improvement in your phone battery life.

Follow the Below Steps

  • Step One – Head on over to your settings by pulling down on your phone screen and tapping on the gear icon at top of your phone screen (on Note 10 Plus Devices)
  • Step Two – Now you are in settings. Go to Location. This is where you will find all related access to location requests.
  • Step Three – Once you are in Locations select Location services. Withing these settings you will see “Wi-Fi Scanning.
  • Step Four – Wi-Fi scanning is what allows apps to use Wi-Fi for more accurate location detection. This is done even when you have turned your Wi-Fi off. So, this means even when you turn your Wi-Fi, off but you have your scanning on your phone is constantly scanning and sending out request for Wi-Fi. So, if you want that extra level of privacy and security you will need to turn your Wi-Fi scanning off as well. Simple tap/toggle the Wi-Fi scanning option to off.

Once you have completed all four steps mentioned above and you had turned your Wi-Fi off the traditional way you are now secure. This now means that you have full privacy on your phone. No need to worry about data still being accesses or your phone still sending Wi-Fi requests. So, if you have just learnt something new and would like to learn more. Please go ahead and subscribe to stay connected to all released articles and information.

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