how to get split screen on Samsung Galaxy Note

How to get Split Screen on Samsung

In this article we will be looking at the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Split Screen multitasking feature. A great feature to have and not just to have but to make use of. So, the popular question of: How do I split the screen on my Samsung Galaxy 10? Will be answered in today’s article and if you are willing to read through you will get all the ins and outs of this feature. This is a really cool feature which allows you to use two applications at once. Yes, you’ve got it. The days of only being able to use one application at a time on your phone is gone. The Samsung smart phone split screen feature is great to even get more done at once. Or just to enjoy the full potential of your phone.

This is absolutely great for multitasking. Using more apps and using them at the same time is made possible with your samsung smart phone. Here is an example of how the feature works and how to access and or enable and disable it. You can watch YouTube (which is apart of this websites’ information provision) along with using other apps like whatsapp or your internet browser by following the below steps. Steps on how to open and watch YouTube and then accessing other apps to use at the same time with the split screen feature on Samsung smart phones. Here is how to do this:

Get Split Screen on Samsung

  • Selecting YouTube and playing your desired video. It does not matter what video it is nor does it even matter if a video is actually being played on YouTube. The important step here is just to highlight the opening of the first app to begin the splitscreen feature.
  • Next, press and hold down on your recent apps button and then select the little YouTube icon – located at the top of the zoomed out window. This is an important step. You will see that this step can be used with any app that you have opened first and is not subjected nor restricted to only YouTube. This means that YouTube is not always the first app to open to access this feature.
  • From there you will then select Open in split screen view. By doing this you will initiate the splitscreen functionality and you are well on your way.

YouTube will now open at the top of your display screen (or at the bottom depending on if you were already viewing another app). Now you can navigate your phone as you normally would and find the next task you wish to enjoy at the same time with YouTube. Making this splitscreen feature a great addition to your daily use with your phone.

Now, once you select the next task it will be added to the opened YouTube app. Where you will be able to view both at the sametime anf enjoy both applications. Now you can use both at the same time in split screen mode. Great right? This feature will come in handy especially if you are a heavy phone user.

Phone Image Showing Splitscreen
How do I split the screen on my Samsung Galaxy

As mentioned before this is great for multitasking. Great for getting more than one thing done at a the same time. And not the mention the enjoyment and benefits you get from the multitasking splitscreen function on your smart phone.

This feature can be done with all or most apps. Making it even more versitile and enjoyable. You can be watching a video and texting at the same time. So keeping tabs on your favorite videos while still staying connected to the people you love to talk with. Or you can be checking in on traffic updates while reading a book. It is now all at your finger tips and not just once but twice the focus and twice the attention given to what matters to you.

How to Remove Split Screen

So, now that you have read through this article and you have followed the steps provided. Maybe you are now wanting to exit the feature, yes? No worries we will look at how to exit the split screen feature on your samsung smart phone. This is a really cool feature. To exit split screen simple reverse the steps indicated above to access the feature or follow the below. Steps on how to exit the split screen feature on Samsung smart phones:

  • Press and hold your recent apps button to access all your recent apps and you will be given an little circle with a X in it. Click this to close out split screen more.
  • Once you do this you will now see the normal viewing of your recent apps in horizontal display. Or just backspace out of it.

From here you can either exit to your HOME screen or select the app you wish to continue with in normal single viewing mode.

Now you have the option to enjoy the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 split screen.

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