how to close google chrome and not lose your browsing tabs

Close Google Chrome and Save Tabs

It can be a great tragedy to have multiple important windows open in google chrome, only to accidentally close it and lose it all. After all we all multitask from time to time and having a number of open tabs/windows in one browser can be very handy. However, it is also very stressful when all of those tabs are closed out when you were still working Right? For this article (see other articles here) we will be looking at how to fix this issue and not suffer that lost again. We will cover how to correctly setup google chrome for multitasking purposes.

You will learn how to close out google chrome with all your browsing windows open and not lose any of them. Yes, this means that once you re-open google chrome it will be as if you never closed it at all. As indicated before this can be a very useful setup within Chrome. It will save you much time and frustration. After we run through just how to do this you will not have to worry about accidental closing of your tabs/windows again. That being said let us dive right into it.

How to Set Google Chrome for Browsing Lost Prevention

Once you have google chrome open and you have all your browsing tabs there, perform the following steps listed below. Please not that you can set this up even before you start any browsing at all. So, no need to worry about having a number of tabs active for this to actually work. Here are the steps on how to close google chrome and not lose your browsing tabs:

  • Head over to the three (3) dots located in the upper right hand corner, under the close button. This is primarily known as the Option button for google chrome and within here you will find many available selectoins such as View, Editor, Plugins and Tools.
image showing how to access Google Chrome settings
  • Click on it and select SETTINGS
  • Once you are here scroll down to the bottom and located On Startup. This is where you will select the option – Continue where you left off (see image below). Once you have this checked you will never lose your browsing tabs again. Even if your computer accidentally shutdown you will get an alert next time to reload them.
image showing the options in google chrome to prevent you from losing all your browsing tabs when you close out of Google Chrome

In the same option are you will also see: Open the New Tab page and Open a specific page or set of pages. So you have flexibility to customize how you want Google Chrome to behave. Other than setting how to close google chrome and not lose your browsing tabs you can chose these other options.

Video Tutorial on: How To Close Google Chrome and Not Lose Your Browsing Tabs

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