As you must know or can imagine by now that the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 has many features. But just how handy are some of these features. In a previous article we looked at some tips and tricks for the Note 10 and 10 Plus. In this article we will cover some other Note 10 features you must know about.
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Edge Panel
Whether you use the Samsung note panel often or do not, you will realize with this device that you can accidentally access it when pressing about on your screen. So, just how can you turn it off? Here is how:
- Go into settings
- Click on display
- Then go into Edge panels and click the toggle button to turn it off. Simple right? From this screen you can also customize your edge lighting. This is the illumination you seen around your screen when you get any notifications.
Before you proceed to turn this off though it is important to point out that it can however be very handy. It can be a very useful shortcut for your must used apps and contacts. Also having some reminders there can be very helpful.
Linking the Note 10 to Your Windows PC – Note 10 features you must know
Here is another cool feature. This feature links your phone to your personal computer and gives you full access and here is how it is done:
Go to the Microsoft store on your laptop or pc and download the Your Phone App.
Follow the instructions and get connected
On the Note 10/10+ go to the drop down Menu and and select Link to Windows –
You will see the following message
Select Link your phone and PC and you are now linked up. From here you can see your photos, send messages and even get a live viewing of your phone – your phone will be projected on screen. This makes it very easy to copy photos from your phone to your PC.