If you are looking for a very good photo editor app for you android phone then you are in luck. The cinematic photo editor might just be the app that you are looking for. This app may very well have all the customization and filters to capture your taste and style. Let us look a bit more into this app.
Head over to your phone and open up your google play store. From here search for the following app: Lens Distortions.
Lens Distortions gives you many amazing filters, volumetric lights and great realistic flares.
LD – Cinematic Photo Editor
- Once you have found the app go ahead and install to your android phone
- Now that you have the App open just go ahead and select CHOOSE IMAGE
After you chose an image to edit you will be given a bunch of options such as overlays. Now go ahead and test out your options and the many selections available and do not forget to save the one you like the most.
Currently this app has over a million downloads and counting. With a 4.0 star rating from over 4K reviews you will see that this app is a great addition.
Brining you photo effects, light rays and color layers to your photos. Life can now be given to your photos. Powerful color grading tools with beautiful presets at their core. The app is unlike traditional presets. The color layers can be masked, duplicated or layered behind other effects in your image.
Add dynamic and customizable rays of volumetric light to your photos. You can also easily paint out parts of an effect using your finger (Erase / Mask Tool). You can also do so much more with this App. Like, comment and subscribe.