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Photosynthesis – What it is?

Learning about photosynthesis is learning a lot about life. Photosynthesis is one of the basic knowledge you must have when learning about Biology. So it is often asked, what is photosynthesis? In this article we will look at this in basic simple terms and explanation,

Photosynthesis Explained

Photosynthesis is the means by which plants make food. But what does this mean? Just like how you would ask what is a boiled egg, it is the means by which you use the egg along with water, a container and a heat source and after a period of time you have boiled eggs. You have to think of it as simple as this.

Plants use the energy from the sun (sunlight) to change water and carbon dioxide into food. You have to think of photosynthesis as a simple action but it is indeed a complicated process. However we can summarize it using the following equation:

photosynthesis formula word
Word equation / formula

As seen in the equation above light energy and chlorophyll is very important and necessary for the process to take place. The arrow below light energy and chlorophyll means “changes to”. So we can say that plants take Carbon dioxide and water. Then uses light energy and chlorophyll during a chemical reaction, of these ingredients, carbon dioxide and water “changes to” Glucose and oxygen.

And since this is a chemical reaction, let us look at the chemical formulae for the substances:

photosynthesis chemical equation outlined
Chemical equation / formula

The above is the chemical equation for this process. Study this and memorize it well.

I hope this article brings some clarity and make this topic a bit easier to understand. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me for any further assistance.

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